Part 96: NGAE: ~/cyan/betray/red/ally sigma\$ cd ../betray
152 out of 241 respondents approved of going back and betraying Phi - a lead of 126 over the next most popular choice and almost - but not quite - as popular as every other choice combined. So back we go. Phi's paid us back already, so let's pay her right back forward again. I mean... You know what I mean.
You lied.
VLR OST: [Portentousness]
Listen in: [English/Japanese]
Did you do it to protect yourself? Were you worried that Phi might choose "betray"?
That's a good question...
I'm honestly not sure myself why I did it.
Well, we should go see the results.
I want to see how K and Clover voted...
Right. Let's go, then.
This means we win, right?